Friday, May 30, 2008

Trade Update: LEH

We were stopped out of our Lehman Brothers short yesterday. Despite the obvious fundamental failings of Lehman which include the most expen...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Offered Up

When the shotgun wedding of Bank of America and Countrywide was announced the most reviled CEO since Ken Lay Angelo Mozilo, placed his right...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Barclays Plc, has been running in full stride, but today the credit crisis ran them down. Despite reporting positive earnings for it's f...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Bear Stearns was gutted from within. The take down from the board room could not have been more v icious if done with a straight razor in a...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Bears Prowling for Lehman

It’s deja vu all over again as again the bears are all over the scent of Lehman Brothers’ blood. Back in March, just after Bear Stearns was...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sleight of Hand

The Bull Sh!t keeps getting deeper as the bankers, CEOs and the government they own continue to bury us in it. Beyond the Kudlows , Jim “Be...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Alert: LEH

The put volatility on Lehman Brothers is picking up. I will do a follow up on this over the weekend, but the Bear may be back on the prowl....

Hardest Hit

Among the financial giants teetering from credit crunch three large letters say “hardest hit” — UBS. The Swiss bank has taken a staggering ...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Volume is a Traders Best Friend

When you put the breaks on in your car does it stop immediately right on the spot or does it cover some more ground be fore coming to a stop...

Alert: DUG

Take a 1/2 position in DUG Buy 50 shares DUG @ 27.32. Stop @ 25.00 Oil is rolling over a bit. Is it a head fake? I dunno, but if it is we wi...

Alert: OIL

sell 50 shares OIL @ 80.02

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Alert: IAU

12:45-- Bought 100 shares IAU @ 91.47 Cover IAU and go long a full position IAU Buy to cover 100 shares IAU @ 91.55, then Buy long 100 shar...

Trade Alert: SLVUpdate:

We were stopped out of our short on SLV yesterday at $171.00 as the metals and oil surged. We will try to enter back into SLV. This time of...

Trade Alert: GLD IAU

We are long GLD and short IAU as a hedge. IAU broke the 100 dma after putting in a double bottom near 85 earlier this month. Let cover our ...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Alert: XLF

Sell short 50 shares of XLF@ 26.48 with stop @ 27.02 position. Set stops on SLS @ 171.00.

Trade Alert: OIL DUG

We stopped ourselves out of a full position of DUG yesterday for about a $3 loss per share. Half of the shares were naked long the other hal...

Monday, May 19, 2008

WaMu is Bleeding

Some wounds can kill and others once inflicted will never heal. Those that never heal are inflicted by betrayal, by trusted ones, by those...

Alert: DUG OIL

DUMP DUG! Sell 50 shares DUG @ 26.90

Saturday, May 17, 2008


The Master Manipulators are spreading the good cheer that the worst of the write downs and credit crisis related losses are behind us. With...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Crude and Goldman

Wall Street is a criminal organization, a mafia and the Godfather of that mafia is Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is involved in every aspect ...

Alert: DUG OIL

Don't be panicked by the gap. The low on DUG is 28.52 , sell only if it breaks the low. Hold the position on OIL. Check back for a sp...

Stopped Out of It

To get stopped out is common occurrence in trading. Most traders --myself included-- concern themselves with where to place stops, but not e...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Volcker Feigning FED Criticism

When J P Morgan and John D. Rockefeller pushed through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 they both came out in public statements against it wh...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

RBS-Not Right

Royal Bank of Scotland proposed rights issue was formally approved yesterday for $24 billion. The bank is a snake eating its own tail and ...

The Other Side of The Ride

Sometime you comes across a gem of advice and this is one I have stumbled on a few times now. I have written it down and putting it in my bl...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

HSBC's Loop-holes and Lies

We have been reporting the most conservative HSBC write down numbers (those of HSBC itself), but the stench of something rotten -- something...

Alert: DUG OIL

Buy 50 shares DUG @ 29.14 Buy 50 shares OIL @ 75.33

Trade Update: DUG

We are going to hedge or DUG oil short play with OIL. We are short 1/2 position DUG, fill that one out right now @ 29.19. There is a nice sa...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Trade Alert: SLV

SLV just shot up over 171 in only a few minutes. It is dicey here, but don't panic. The stochastic in the 15 minute chart is at 100%, SL...

HSBC Doubles Up Q1 Write Downs

After writing down just $2.1 billion to asset-backed securities, monoline credit exposures, credit trading positions, and leveraged loan fin...

Trade Update: DUG IAU GLD SLV

We are short oil and gas via DUG short gold and silver with IAU and SLV respectively and also long gold by GLD. This week I think will be bi...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Banks Dumping Debt on Taxpayers

The worlds largest banks are feeding on the worlds public sector more than ever. Bloomberg is reporting that Citigroup and UBS are exitin...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Black Goldman Texas Tea, Oil That Is

Goldman Sachs is at it again, manipulating the price of oil and gas . This is the same old game and don't you play it. Take a look at th...

Alert: DUG

We have been unable to short OIL, USO, UGA or UNG because there were not enough shares available to short. However we can effectively short ...

Level 3 With Me

I have a 1969 Volkswagen Van that I am in love with. The van is really just an old bucket of rust, but I tell people it’s worth a million bu...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Trade Alert: SLV

SLV gapped down hard at the open, so we lost our entry point. DONT CHASE IT! The trade is in the green so we will wait to see how much of th...

Trade Alert: SLV

We are short a 1/2 position of SLV. The metal has retraced and now appears to be ready to roll over under 170, but the stochastic in the dai...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

To Merrill Level 3 Beats Cash

Well, he is still at it. The torrent of BS from John Thain’s mouth is continuous, interspersed with just enough truth to render the deceptio...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Suckers Wind

There is a wind of change a blowing and it blows cold and ill for the bulls. This artificial rally --to sell the financials for the sake of...