Wednesday, December 31, 2008

FED Fictionalizes More Bailout Money

In case you don't know the money from nothing scam the banks pull on you watch this 10 minute video, Money as Debt part 1.If you are awa...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Peter Schiff: Government Makes it Worse

Investor Peter Schiff again went to battle with a raft of establishment talking heads on CNBC yesterday who attempted to propagandize for t...

The Great Depression Came Quickly

Is this what it has to come to? Why? As I remember it, the Great Depression came quickly. My father suddenly stopped wearing suits and goin...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dreams Die

A dream of more than 60 years died today, when builder Kimball Hill Inc. gave up its attempt to emerge from chapter 11 bankruptcy. That dre...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

From The Grave

Indy Mac bank is poised to strike from the grave for bunches of billions of taxpayer dollars. Even as it is revealed that the banks former r...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Market Update: Bankruptcies in 2009

When trading the SKF in 2009 you have to ask do you think banks will be generally weaker or stronger. I an market that is openly rigged you ...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wall Street 2008 Christmas Bonuses

Just so you don't go feeling sad about the Wall Street Bankers this Christmas I put this vid up for you to watch and weep with joy knowi...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The D--Word

Well they said it loud and clear DEPRESSION . Given that the warning comes from the FEDs FED namely the IMF you have to think of alterior m...

Morgan Stanley - It’s Big Part in the Great Housing/Mortgage Crisis

This is an addendum to the Morgan Stanley Again a Loser post on Monday. It is a rip it all apart piece by none other than Mr. Mortgage . Wh...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Train Robbery or Rescue?

If you don't believe that the bank bailout is a train robbery you probably never will, but if there's sill hope for you to wake up y...

Morgan Stanley Again a Loser

Oh how the mighty have fallen! Morgan Stanley a perennial street powerhouse has in a single quarter suffered more disasters and distresses...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ron Paul: Some Big Events Are About To Occur

"Some Big Events Are About To Occur" Ron Paul

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Goldman Sachs Bribed Senate To Pass Bailout Bill

With the kind of money that Goldman Sachs is throwing at the congressional seats it kind of makes you wonder what they've got against Bl...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bad Turns to Worse in 2009

Jim Rogres Outs the US Dollar rallay fot the short covering (forced liquidation) one that it is and talks about the long bond. You can see o...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Be Prepared

More on the likely civil unrest to come. It occurs to me that the Arizona police will be protecting criminals who stole our wealth and inde...

Ron Paul on Bloomberg on SEC Regulations

So, what should we do; she asked incredulously, do away with the SEC? Yep he says without skipping a beat. But it's not that they aren...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

AIG-In Too Much Debt to Fail

American International Group Inc. just received another monster Christmas present from the you and me and your great grandchildren taxpayer...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Philosopher's Stone

Ron Paul: not I told you so, but he told you then!!!

Trade Alert: SKF

Well the FED cut rates and the market was too fast to catch and SKF got killed. In the time going out zero interest rate policy bodes ill f...

Corruption in the Bailout Plan

Niff said!

Bail Out Pig

When the Senate passed the $700 billion stinky thing you could see that there was no way to put lipstick on it, but just barely passed eve...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Alert: SKF

We are long the 75 shares of SKF. You can see the ETF on the up trend again fighting through the 100-200 day moving average zone. And stocha...

UBS Goes and Bad News Follows

Now that the worlds biggest bank disaster had been bailed out on the workin backs of everyday stiffs we find it's the Uber rich that UB...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sanderson State Bank, Sanderson, TX

And the 25th FDIC bank failure this year is Sanderson State Bank , Sanderson, Texas. Sanderson State Bank of Sanderson, Texas was closed by...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Masters of the Universe

Next time you come across some who tells you we need to bailout the banks dressed in drag as US auto makers show them this. This ia a good r...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Haven Trust Bank, Duluth, GA

Another small Georgia bank goes down : All deposit accounts have been transferred to Branch Banking & Trust Company, (BB&T), Winsto...

Enemy at the Bank of America Gate

If you wonder what specific incident would bring about martial law, here it is front and center brought to you courtesy of Bank of America....