I didn't feel this threatened when the patriot act was passed and certainly no other act of man or law could be so treasonous. No other act by public servant or personal friend could be such betrayal. And as Ron Paul nurses legislation to audit the Fed through the obstacle course of corrupt congressmen, President Obama ram's through a criminal law designed to make all oversight meaningless.
By a single law to be enacted with the broad stroke the President will make a small coterie of bankers and their families masters of us all. Not merely mightier, the pen is far more insidious than the sword. The theory is hardly a new one.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
Thomas Jefferson
The Treasury secretary who testified that there is too much financial regulation, at his confirmation hearings now testified there aren't enough, then proposes to put the fox in charge on the hen house.
Geithner also defended a proposal within the plan that has already seen criticism among industry players. He said the Federal Reserve is best equipped to play an emergency response role in financial crises seen among the largest, most complex and interconnected institutions and therefore must be allowed the broader authority posed in the plan.It's just a continuation of the move began in earnest two months ago to make the Fed chairman czar. By giving broader authority to the entity that created the crisis, the Reform President hardens the status-quo striking a new raw deal for us all.
Obama and Geither call this "reform". It's not. Abolishing the Fed would be reform. Giving the Fed more authority is a power grab, not reform.
An obvious power grab, by Geither the former Fed head of New York. But quite obviously the privately owned Federal Reserve is the problem, giving it dictatorial power can not possibly be a solution, making Obama's sympathies obvious as well.
Don't bother looking to congress for help they have already said they are along for the ride and despite the fakes and feints this one is done, and you and I toast.
Obviously no organization with control of your money should be allowed unaccountability as well, that was the recipe for this disaster. Another old distasteful recipe is playing out in front of your eyes. It was the same as the Saving and Loans, Long Term Capital Management, and any other billionaire bailout, Ron Paul explains
“Too much regulations to begin with, so they give it more. The Federal Reserve creates the problem, so we give them more power. It’s fiat money that’s the problem, so we allow them to double the money supply - you can’t solve the problems that way. That’s like saying you can take care of a drug addict by just giving them more drugs,” concluded Paul, adding that the lack of understanding about how the Federal Reserve created the problem and how the free market ought to work was the root of the crisis.
So as the title suggests kiss your good by, but first please be good enough to stick your head between you knees, the elites like it that way.
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