So Silvio Berlusconi is finally getting shit caned, the only positive result of the credit crisis. But before he lets the door hit his ass on his way out, the man who has screwed Italy so hard for so long, can't resist dry fucking his country one last time. When Silvio Berlusconi says arrivederci and moves into one of his mansions with all his whores, he does it leaving Italy holding onto one big stinking stronzo, austerity.
Mr. Berlusconi has pledged to resign after the Italian Parliament passes the financial reforms that European officials have been demanding for months. The process can take up to two weeks, but President Giorgio Napolitano said that would be accelerated to days, allowing him to quickly begin talks on forming a new government or calling new elections.If that's what it takes to get rid of the worst thing to happen to Italy since Mussolini, then who can complain. But after the old order is replaced by the new old order, Nouriel Roubini says don't expect anything to change.
Here are the latest tweets on the situation of the American Italian.
* * * replace Berlusconi with his lackeys first is unacceptable: Italy needs a government authority headed by a respected and credible leaders Angelino Alfano is not worthy to take the first Minister: is a lawyer with no knowledge of economics, whose work, as Minister of Justice, was only to create laws to prevent Berlusconi to stand trial * * * Alfano is the number one lackey Berlusconi: his only task was to put the prime minister away from legal problems, and now they want to promote it at Palazzo Chigi to continue to perform this function. * * * The "Leopard" Alfano attended a few years ago at the wedding of the daughter of a Sicilian boss, Cross Naples, and all have seen the meeting between Alfano and the same affectionate Napoli * * * It is not just a matter of rumors and speculation: everyone can see a video showing Angelino Alfano in 1996 participate in the wedding of the daughter of Mafia boss Naples
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