In his 2007 autobiography, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World, he talks at some length about his suspicions in the 1990s that there was irrational exuberance in the stock market. But in the end, he says, he just couldn't figure it out: ''I'd come to realize that we'd never be able to identify irrational exuberance with certainty, much less act on it, until after the fact.''
That lovely piece of Pravda comes by way of Mr. Robert J. Shiller of in a piece entitled Even the experts missed the housing bubble. Bull!
This is what was really going on. As Al was blowing up the bubble knowing full well what would happen when it popped, he cast his grand fatherly scorn at you and me and blamed us for the bubble he just created. Latter the FED chief raised interest six times in a row to bring the dot com crashing down on millions of pension funds and retail investors (you and me). And poor uncle Al cannot ''identify irrational exuberance with certainty''. What an excellent example of the often used incompetence or it’s just too complicated lie. I will mention that your kids wouldn't get this one over on you, but the media fall hook line and sinker for it.
Were all these people stupid? It can't be. We have to consider the possibility that perfectly rational people can get caught up in a bubble. In this connection, it is helpful to refer to an important bit of economic theory about herd behavior.
Three economists, Sushil Bikhchandani, David Hirshleifer and Ivo Welch, in a classic 1992 article, defined what they call ''information cascades'' that can lead people into serious error. They found that these cascades can affect even perfectly rational people and cause bubblelike phenomena. Why? Ultimately, people sometimes need to rely on the judgment of others, and therein lies the problem. The theory provides a framework for understanding the real estate turbulence we are now observing.
See that the experts can explain it all. They couldn't help it. I have a better explanation, THEY ARE LIARS!
These people are not stupid or the kind who get caught up in anything. Rather they are cold calculating criminals who set the trap with easy money and wait for the masses to get caught in the hype. The boom and bust cycle not only can be avoided with 100% accuracy, the FED actually have to manufacture them with interest rate gyrations. Then they hide behind high powered economic gibberish and FED speak, then blame it on ''information cascades'' and the irrational public. Yea that's good for city folk Al, but I know the cat by the paw.
This is the same old MO at work as in the 1930s the dot bust and the housing bubble pop. First the FED dope pushers drop interest rates to near zero, delivering an enticing initial fix of credit crack. Then with business and the public hooked on the ponzi financing after-effects they cut you off by raising rates again. Over extended on the high of cheap money, but with suddenly no credit available the credit addicted economy crashes, bankrupts, defaults and ultimately is forced to sell the business factories homes and land back to the bank for pennies on the dollar. And of course the FED is Godfather to all US banks.
Novice investors should know that there was no money is lost when bubbles pop, wealth is simply transferred from the masses to the elites. Did you notice how men like Morgan, Kennedy and Rockefeller, just happened to be in cash and out of the stock market before on black Tuesday? Did you know that Joe Kennedy was actually short the market on that day? And so it was that Goldman Sachs partners were shorting the subprime sector through all of 2007 while they invested client money long in subprime.
Three economists, Sushil Bikhchandani, David Hirshleifer and Ivo Welch, in a classic 1992 article, defined what they call ''information cascades'' that can lead people into serious error. They found that these cascades can affect even perfectly rational people and cause bubblelike phenomena. Why? Ultimately, people sometimes need to rely on the judgment of others, and therein lies the problem. The theory provides a framework for understanding the real estate turbulence we are now observing.
See that the experts can explain it all. They couldn't help it. I have a better explanation, THEY ARE LIARS!
These people are not stupid or the kind who get caught up in anything. Rather they are cold calculating criminals who set the trap with easy money and wait for the masses to get caught in the hype. The boom and bust cycle not only can be avoided with 100% accuracy, the FED actually have to manufacture them with interest rate gyrations. Then they hide behind high powered economic gibberish and FED speak, then blame it on ''information cascades'' and the irrational public. Yea that's good for city folk Al, but I know the cat by the paw.
This is the same old MO at work as in the 1930s the dot bust and the housing bubble pop. First the FED dope pushers drop interest rates to near zero, delivering an enticing initial fix of credit crack. Then with business and the public hooked on the ponzi financing after-effects they cut you off by raising rates again. Over extended on the high of cheap money, but with suddenly no credit available the credit addicted economy crashes, bankrupts, defaults and ultimately is forced to sell the business factories homes and land back to the bank for pennies on the dollar. And of course the FED is Godfather to all US banks.
Novice investors should know that there was no money is lost when bubbles pop, wealth is simply transferred from the masses to the elites. Did you notice how men like Morgan, Kennedy and Rockefeller, just happened to be in cash and out of the stock market before on black Tuesday? Did you know that Joe Kennedy was actually short the market on that day? And so it was that Goldman Sachs partners were shorting the subprime sector through all of 2007 while they invested client money long in subprime.
Goldman with nerves of steel made no secret of its success in its Q3 report of Sept. 20th:
"Net revenues in [trading] mortgages were...significantly higher, despite continued deterioration in the market environment. Significant losses on non-prime loans and securities were more than offset by gains on short mortgage positions."
So, the Goldman Gangster made a killing in the summer of 2007 by selling subprime mortgage-backed bonds short, the bonds that they had just been long in their client portfolio.
Send me your email address and I'll forward to you a great 2005 article from Gary Watts (a So Cal REALTOR's guru) about why there isn't going to be a 2006 bubble in housing, etc. It's vintage kool-ade that is only for the not so faint of heart. A fun read!
Gary Watts and his ilk lead the lemmings over the cliff with his crackpot theories.
This is what I keep trying to tell people also, but they just don't want to hear it. I guess nobody likes to admit to themselves they've been taken, but that's what this all boils down to. The boyz at the top of the pyramid must have been planning for decades how to rob the Boom Generation of their pensions. This huge demographic with all those pension accounts, 401Ks and IRAs full of money must have been just too tempting...can't let the proles have it, even though they earned it, now can we? I mean, Warren Buffet has to worry about his retirement, too, you know! This may go down as the biggest pump-and-dump of all time.
I have been reading this blog for a while, and I think you go a good job. I am curious, what kind of gains does your portfolio make?
for borrower self help: and liars exposed in the Antelope Valley:
Did you notice that Greenspan would be a consultant for hedge fund Paulson and co? For an ‘undisclosed amount’, of course.
Mr. Paulson earned an estimated four billion betting on the whole subprime meltdown.
It’s not clear why Paulson and co would need his advice on matters as they’ve already done quite well for themselves, though it could very well be that Mr. Greenspan already did the work beforehand, and this is simply a thank-you note.
Absolutely nailed it! This is classic. Thank you!
I have not bothered to calculate the reutrns yet for this blog. I am careful to list all trades win or lose and keep them up in the side bar. I think you can see that I am up, which is more than one can say for buy and holders and the Street elite. Of course they trade with other peoples money and get bailed out.
I want to improve the trading portion of this blog. I am thinking about doing the chart analysis in video and using soft ware to find trades. Right now the trades I do are on the fly using only and sometimes I don't check the market all day if I get hung up else where. Time makes a prisoner of us all.
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