Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cramers Golden Rule

If you took Jim Cramer's advice of last Thursday December 6 and bought a gold mining stock, "..., as a hedge against inflation when the FED lowers interest rates next week", you were had. I hope you did not do it after reading my post the next day with this same title. I don't take it personally if you did and I didn't lose a cent , but a lot of people did. In that post I told you that Cramer was running the gold market up into the FED meeting and that he would be selling it off after. And the fix was really sunk in deep this time. Did you notice how the gold market crashed right at the announcement? Usually there is a lot of turbulence right after the FEDs announce with a least one false break out the wrong way. Not today once the announcement was made the insiders cashed out. Link 1 shows the 15 minute chart of the gold mining index (GDX). As you can see there was no way you could have placed a trade while it was happening, you had to already have sold or been short, and Carmer was. How do I know all this? Well how did I know the gold markets would sell off right after the announcement in the first place? How did I know the Buffet buyout rumor of Countrywide CW and Bear Stearns (BSC) while I was short them was lie? BECAUSE IT'S RANCID and I puked on it.
Now Cramer is out and about feigning shock and horror over the size of the cut and telling everyone why it's the FED's fault (Link 2). Yea the FED was a coconspirator for sure, but it was Cramer's Street pals who gutted the entire US economy leaving the rest of us to bleed like stuck pigs. The FED gave us the housing crisis by dropping interest rates to near zero while the Street gave us the financial crisis by scamming up the SIV the Frankenstein of investment vehicles, dressing it up as Shirley Temple and passing it through every town and village. The issue here not who was at fault, but who knew. Cramer knew the cut would be a quarter point shocker so he figured why not screw you (who believe him). So he cons you into buy into gold stocks near the highs, gets them a few points higher, then dumps it right on top of you . Running interference the corporate controlled media(CNBN is owned by General Electric) then come out singing that the markets sold off because of the FED, the FED ,"look boss it's the FED. Here's the Pravda from Cramers own on reasons gold sold off(Link 3) and for the general market tumble(Link 4). Say Distraction anyone? Nice to own a little of the financial media right Jimmy boy? Next he pretends to rail at his partner in crime, the FED going on the tube he calls them names, oh those poor FEDs how will they ever go on? By living it up in the Hamptons on what was your money and flying to golf courses in Jimmy's private jet. Remember it's a scam. The stock market is a vital instrument of the powerful financial elite to take "their" money from you. They need you to have confidence that your money is safe in the stock market and Cramer is their chief con man officer. They con you to scam you, once coned the scam doesn't even have to be that good and this one isn't. It's called buy the rumor and sell the news. The rumor in this case is -the FED will cut 50 basis points- the news was-the FED cut 25 points -which is supposed to explain the sell off. If the news happened to be-the FED cut 50 points or cut by 150 basis points the sell off would have been the same. It's the rats leaving the ship. The none-sense about how the markets were disappointed by the 25 point cut only provides better cover, but Ponzi fix was already in and the insiders were getting out. So they gave up the 50 point cut they really wanted in order to rock the markets and exit. Too bad boys can't have you cake and eat it too. Oh wait now post FED announcement they come out with this.

U.S. stocks surge up on move by central banks

'U.S. stocks spiked higher Wednesday, with the Dow industrials up nearly 150 points, after the Federal Reserve and four other central banks moved to improve liquidity in the banking system and encourage short-term lending.'
(Link 5)
In translation it's a rate cut. How nice, nothing is to good for our boys. It's good for the boys, good for the smart guys portfolios on the Street, but it's inflation to you and me. I'll bet Cramer knew nothing of it in advance. Bet against it that is.

And how does Jimmy get all his insider information to begin with? Jim Cramer worked on the worlds largest trading floor, that of Goldman Sachs before he supposedly went off to run his own hedge fund, before he supposedly became the star of his own cable show Mad Money. The reality is that Cramer never left Goldman anymore than Paulson did anymore than Eliot Spitzer did.( Notice how Spitzer never seems to touch anyone at Goldman,but that's for another post) any more than any other Goldman gangster did. It's family. So now we realize Cramer as the propaganda minister for the evil empire Goldman Sachs, an empire which is a board member of the FED itself. The FED itself is a Private bank which has been granted control over the US money supply by the criminal Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Now is there any doubt that Goldman Sachs sitting on the FEDs board of directors is not at least aware of the decision if they haven't actually dictated it? Read the November 29 post Golden Godfather and see the link there. So there you have it. Goldman's US Treasury secretary rigs the rate cut of the bank it owns(in part) the US FED as Goldman's propaganda chief and TV star pumps the gold stocks knowing that he and his will sell on the announcement, selling the general retail investor and large proportion of which is his audience out again.
And if anyone ever tells you the media isn't fixed consider this: right now Cramer and all the analyst are analyzing the hell out of what happened and who's to blame for it,quiet a show, but after the fact. You have to go to blogs to find out what to do in advance of the event and tell you in fact who it is to blame, it's the same ones who sold you on the gold stocks before the event in the first place, Carmer&Paulson&Sachs.
Don't worry after a nice little pull back in gold and the gold mining stocks another buying opportunity will present it's self and you will know when Cramer says sell the gold.

Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Link 4:

Link 5:

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