Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Five White Guys Who Run Wall Street

Here we go again. As I have said on this blog Barclay's is insolvent. I've been saying it and even arranged my hedge positions base on that hypothesis. Consider the USO OIL trade we are in right now for example. We are short the Barclay's oil ETF OIL with the stated intention to hedge long the USO, but only short OIL, precisely because of my fears of Barclay's insolvency. So, why is the Street's biggest criminal finally getting around to telling you this now (Link 1)? Because it's no longer of any use to you. Barclay's BCS will likely begin to recover sometime in the next week. Goldman could have downgraded BCS in February when the price per share was above 68, or again in April or July when it poked above 60, then failed signaling its full intention to do so both times (Link 2). Make no mistake about it Goldman was selling on all three occasions, but they keep you in the dark about it. Now when the share price is 20 points lower they downgrade, scarring out of your shares after sustained high volume selling has emptied the pool of longs (see the solid red volume block) and the stochastic turning up from nearly zero. This is as blatant as it is criminal. Goldman's golden criminals are out to steal your kids lunch money and your pension check. I just hope you don't own a Mutual fund.

The purpose of the blog is to inform novice investors of what it is they are really up against on the Street. This video is delivers an excellent illustration.

Link 1:

Link 2:


Anonymous said...

You are a moron.

StockMarket -Implode said...

Your right Anonymous I am a moron, but I did not sell Barclays BCS per the Bloomberg link. Notice how it's holding up today along with the rest of the banking index. I will put up an alert when I go long.