Friday, March 13, 2009

Cramer vs Stewart on The Daily Show

Just watch. Cramer will never forget the words roll 22. Stewart repeatedly put up clips of a 2006 interview, in which Cramer brags about manipulating futures trades as a hedge fund manager. You can see that interview here.

Cramer deserves every bit of this, but he is by no means alone on CNBC. I remember vividly when Angelo Mozzillo brought his tan on the Kudlow show to pump Countrywide Financial, but had sold more than 300,000 share that very day. I read about the shares sale on a blog, and right there on the tv screen Kudlow didn't even try to bring it up.

Toward the end Stewart tells Cramer that CNBC should have been talking about the Street scams all along, never gonna happen JOn, not on the Wall Street sponsored network.

The reason I started this blog was to help novice investors see through the scam BEFORE they lost it all in their mutual funds and retirement plans. When the money was easy and time good CNBC thrived and none of my pals paid much attention to the ramblings of an outta work construction worker, I wish they, had.

At least now the world knows what the bloggers know, CNBC is Wall Street's Pravda.

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