Monday, May 25, 2009

Lies Damn Lies and IRS Lies about Tax Havens

Caught in the US government's continuous Bull Sh!t flow is the perfectly free market friendly morally acceptable, but now maligned Tax Haven. The government's scam is to smear the tax haven conceptually thereby morally bludgeoning ordinary taxpayers who would otherwise justly protect their hard earned wealth.

...And then the plan starts to come together.

This isn’t a war against insidious international bankers or offshore havens…it’s a war against tax competition and the very real the benefits of offshore banking. A war to wrestle imaginary tax losses back from a flailing economy…at the worst possible time.

When I argue that the only patriotic thing to do is not to pay taxes people don't realize that the US Treasury will never see a cent of the check you write. That money all goes the paying the interest of the debt incurred from financing wars and banker bailouts. So if you like to see the fruits of your hard earned labor going to bombs and billionaires pay your income taxes, otherwise, comment and I'll show you a legal way not to.

The video above destroys some of the tax haven Bull, please watch.

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