Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween to ML-Implode-O-Meter as they near Implosion 300!

Ugly Aardvarks and Non-Stellar Constellations

The subprime crisis is catching up fast to Mizuho Financial Group as Japan's second largest bank does a 180, going from doing a share b...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fiat Money

Here's an interesting read on fiat money by gold analyst Richard Russell. My feeling is that fiat money like Lincolns green back is a de...

Information InSecurity

As Finance Roils, Don’t Neglect Information Security By Kevin M Nixon, MSA, CISSP, CISM, and Laura Wilson, JD, CISA candidate While the worl...

Alert: PAAS

We are long 25 shares PAAS from $12.03 and will now add another 1/4 position. If the worm has indeed turned, then PAAS should not fall back ...

Societe Generale gets Hassled

Societe Generale isn’t scheduled to release it’s fiscal third quarter 2008 earnings until November 6, but the bank has been forced to mount...


On Friday, October 24 we went long the key DOG at $86.50 and short the DIA at $84.25. We were stopped out at $81.80 and $89.94 respectively...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

National City Implodes

National City Corp. lingered in purgatory after reporting its fiscal third quarter 2008 earnings, and then went to bankruptcy hell dancing ...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Loan Shark

There couldn't be a clearer example of the liquidity solution applied to the insolvency problem than this right here. The strong arm of ...

Peter Schiff on Depression and Martial Law

I don't see any onion news on this one, I think you can trust that it's real. Glen Beck has found religon and actually seems to be o...

Lost Hope

The government program to aid homeowners facing foreclosure “ Hope for Homeowners ” began October 1, with $300 billion of taxpayer mulla ea...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hold Gold and Silver

Well here is a scam even bigger than the onion news one directly below, it's the Commex gold market where what doesn't glitter isn...

Martial Law Plans Revealed?

It's becoming increasingly obvious that plans for declaring and implementing martial law are nearing finality. Listen as Representative ...

Parasites Munch on Pension Funds

Just another one of the ways in which Wall Street screws Main Street. Proof positive that well connected parasites who always out do is the...

Alert: SKF


Implied Implications

For National City Corp. the road to hell was paved with subprime intentions. In business since 1845 and highly profitable at the height of...

Stockmarket Implode Week of 10/26

Now I am glad that we shorted the diamonds DIA and went long the DOG . What's going on here is very simple. In his efforts to bailout...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Wall Street Payback By Ian Cooper

The mainstream media will now pick up on what the bloggers have been saying all along. This is the role they play, to shut the barn door aft...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

National City’s Purgatory

National City lingers now in purgatory- open for business as usual, but drifting toward insolvency. As the credit crisis works its way down ...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Credit Cards, Commercial Paper, and Weird Old Uncles

If 18 months ago you would have said that the commercial paper market would be frozen up the Wall Street bigwigs would have laughed at you, ...