Monday, October 27, 2008

Martial Law Plans Revealed?

It's becoming increasingly obvious that plans for declaring and implementing martial law are nearing finality. Listen as Representative John Haller can hardly believe what he's reading especially when it gets to the part on the NEW BILL OF RIGHS!?

Okay I just found out that I got burned. This is from onion news so I'll leave it up to the same way I would a losing trade.

Have a laugh on me


Anonymous said...


This is some scary SHYTTT!! I suggest everyone google this congressman and our leaders and DEMAND to know the truth about what our government is DOING!!

Conspiracy theorists were right all along.

Anonymous said...

You do notice the "onion"-span logo, right?

JWMTG said...

Is this the same Martial Law Plan video from The Onion? Please. Don't post faux videos to rile up everybody.

Anonymous said...

FEMA Coffins is where I'll lie,
War Pigs is why I'll die!

When the man turns his hand,
turning buildings into sand.

No longer god fearing,?
No chance for a hearing?
Americans your destiny chosen.
You're society soon to be frozen.

Anonymous said...

Is it time to panic now?

Tlachtga said...

Actually, it's a video from The Onion's fake tv channel--if you look at the end, the onion symbol is shown [onion]-SPAN.

But it's clever, I'll give them that. I didn't think it was a joke at first.

R.V. Bottomly said...

It's a spoof.

Anonymous said...

funny but I think that little onion symbol there in place of the "C" for C SPAN pretty much debunks this one. I do admit it freaked me out but for now I think we're all safe from our own government but maybe not the onion.

R.V. Bottomly said...
