Don't believe in conspires yet? You should because this one is front page of the playbook and they don't even try to hide it. It's called the old one, two. One is the crisis and two is the solution to the crisis they just created. In this case the full scale attack on the US dollar will crush your buying power to the point that you can't afford a grain of rice. Then they will hold up the amero, the amero will save you. I hope so, but doubt it.
Still don't believe in ghosts?
Are These the Forging Fires of the NWO We Feel?
The financial climate is hot and getting hotter everyday I would say, with unprecedented news being delivered every single hour. The rate of change in what has historically been one of the most static industries in the World is so overwhelming, and the threat of complete financial obliteration is so immediate, most people do not even realize they are in the midst of the most radical systemic changes in history.
One does not have to step too far from the flames to realize that every single aspect of this “crisis,” and all of the proposed “remedies” - those announced already and those that are yet to be revealed - seem to coincide so perfectly with the well documented push for the creation of a one-world government, a single unified world currency, and a single global economic system dictated by those who would most benefit from it.
Let me assure you, I am not a tinfoil hat guy. I am an advocate of Occam’s Razor, don’t really believe in UFO’s, and am usually the Devil’s advocate - especially when confronted with the very unlikely.
But some things I do believe in, which are indisputably documented throughout human history, are that people are basically really greedy and will seek to consolidate their hold on power if given the opportunity, and that no one should be surprised if they actually try it someday.
Someday is today.
It’s a strange feeling I have as I awake from my comfortable middle-class to realize that I too could be a victim of history, and that full weight and consequence of the days events are difficult to survey when one is not afforded the luxury of time and distance to temper one’s analysis.
I feel like I am drowning in evidence that a revolution is actually underway, while we are being distracted by the flashing lights, bells and whistles of the market index levels and insubstantial politicking.
The following are from today’s headlines - I did not have to search far and wide to try to find bits and pieces of information in order to form some amorphous amalgam of far-fetched conspiracy theories - I simply opened my Google Reader and grabbed what was there.
The point being that I am trying to present this information in a completely flaccid manner, as to not appear to have an agenda - I do not. I do have a great concern that the fundamentals of our Democracy are being eroded rapidly by the very people who are sworn to protect and uphold them.
I welcome challenges to this line of thinking. I have said and will continue to say that I would rather be paranoid than be right any day. I am a rational creature, and there comes a point when rational creatures are confronted with so much evidence that the most unlikely scenarios have become all too likely, even inevitable.
So all I am asking is that you take a more skeptical view of these micro events, and take a more holistic view of what is happening now, who is pulling the strings, what are their relationships, what are their stated objectives, and who does it all eventually benefit the most.
Enlisting Public Support for a NWO
International Trade Seizing Up Due to Banking Crisis: “At the end of the day, if every counterparty is bad then you don’t have a market and you don’t have an economy. I spoke to another friend of mine this afternoon, whose father has been in the shipping business forever. Pristine credit rating, rock solid balance sheet. He says if he takes his BNP Paribas letter of credit to Citi today for short term funding for his vessels, they won’t give it to him. That means he can’t ship goods, which means that within the next 2 weeks, physical shortages of commodities begins to show up. THE CENTRAL BANKS CAN’T LET THAT HAPPEN OR WE HAVE NO ECONOMY, LET ALONE A CREDIT SYSTEM.”
“There’s all kinds of stuff stacked up on docks right now that can’t be shipped because people can’t get letters of credit,” said Bill Gary, president of Commodity Information Systems in Oklahoma City. “The problem is not demand, and it’s not supply because we have plenty of supply. It’s finding anyone who can come up with the credit to buy.”
So far the problem is mostly being felt in U. S. and South American ports, but observers say it is only a matter of time before it hits Canada.
“We’ve got a nightmare in front of us and a lot of people are concerned it’s going to get a lot worse,” said Anthony Temple, a grain marketing expert based in Vancouver….
From this I am assuming that it will not be long before the shelves of Sprall-Mart will be empty and what food is available will be subject to market forces, feeding the threat of runaway hyper-inflation.
I can only imagine the remedy will entail the further whittling away of our civil rights, and I am seeing visions of Stalinist breadlines where the Government dictates what, when and how much of anything you can buy. There is no better way to keep the masses under control than to keep them hungry and dole out the food.
It makes everyone really thankful for the “homeland” and emotionally indebted to what usually emerges as some cult of personality absolutism power structure led by a charismatic “leader” with a savior complex.
Central banks coordinate global cut in interest rates: In a move of unprecedented scope, the world’s major central banks lowered their benchmark interest rates Wednesday, a coordinated effort to halt a collapse of share prices and a freeze in credit markets that threatens to set off the first global recession since the early 1970s.
In another monetary first, the Chinese central bank joined the effort - without explicitly saying it was doing so - by reducing its key interest rate and lowering bank reserve requirements to free up cash for lending.
Taken together with other moves in the United States, Britain and Continental Europe in the last few days, the rate cuts look like part of a broader, global strategy that embraces aggressive use of monetary policy and taxpayer recapitalization of ailing banks, generating cautious optimism among crisis-weary analysts.
“The gravity of the times requires out-of-the box responses,” said Jim O’Neill, the chief global economist at Goldman Sachs. “Atop of all the other things we have seen this week, it gives me great confidence.”
Federal Reserve officials said Wednesday’s action was the first time ever that the Fed had coordinated a reduction in interest rates with other central banks, though the United States has periodically joined with other countries to intervene in currency markets to stabilize foreign exchange rates.
“At last, a coordinated show of force,” Ian Shepherdson, chief United States economist at High Frequency Economics, wrote in a note. “The move is to be applauded but there is more to come. The playbook to avoid depressions says rates need to be as close to zero as possible.”
Whacko’s, Philosophers and Economists have been railing against the threat of centralized banking for centuries. The problem has always been that the mechanisms for controlling the world have always been primitive, and most required so much force to implement that they have never had much in the way of long term success.
Lucky for them though, the last 20 years has been a technological boon for World Domination fans like the members of the New American Century. Now the revolution will be 90% blood-free and we are economically blackmailed into it’s acceptance. The use of force will really come into play when the dust settles and we realize that all the freedoms we relinquished “temporarily” do not have a function in the NOW - they are an obstacle.
Even one of my heroes, one of the few voices of reason for the past decade, Nouriel Roubini, has surmised that the only way out of the mess the Worlds Bankers have got us into is to completely give into them and surrender our liberty.
World Needs 1.5 Point Rate Cut to Avert Disaster, Roubini Says: “World financial officials should orchestrate rapid interest-rate cuts of at least 1.5 percentage points to help avert a depression, said Nouriel Roubini, the professor who two years ago predicted the financial crisis.”
“It will take a significant change in leadership of economic policy and very radical, coordinated policy actions among all advanced and emerging-market economies to avoid this economic and financial disaster,” the New York University professor of economics said. From late 2006, Roubini highlighted the dangers flowing from a likely U.S. housing crisis.
The economist urges immediate action as officials from the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Group of Seven nations meet in Washington this weekend. Stocks tumbled around the world today as the year-long credit crisis deepened, sending Japan’s Nikkei 225 Stock Average to its worst weekly drop in history.
Those are exactly the kind of threats to out personal liberties and our nation’s sovereignty that our countries founders, like Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson among others, warned about repeatedly in their day, and I am pretty sure they were not merely conspiracy crazies writing unwarranted rants. They knew something was up, and we should listen to their warnings.
It is apparent by the reaction of Global Markets that the Bush/Paulson Bailout Scam is not benefitting anyone it is supposed to, Even more interesting than the fact that these solutions are only making the problems worse, they also seem to benefit a small group of people and companies - strangely they are the companies thought most responsible for the creation of the “crisis” in the first place.
Is this not a little like letting the killers collect the evidence at the murder scene?
You Cannot Patch a Busted Dam With Water: The public was overwhelmingly against the plan (and rightly so) as were close to 200 economists. Paulson, Bush, Trichet, and Brown all goaded Congress to waste $700 billion of taxpayer money on grounds there would be a global meltdown if the plan was not passed. Congress had it right the first time. The $700 billion bailout helped bust the dam.
Banks in Brazil and Mexico have stepped in with currency interventions in foolish attempt to strengthen their currencies vs. the US dollar. Chile is expected to follow suit.
We have now come full cycle. Money poured into Latin America and places like Iceland driving their currencies to insane levels vs. the US dollar. Capital flows are now reversing.
Earlier today Iceland took over its biggest bank and closed its stock market. Iceland’s Prime Minister stated: “What we have learned from this whole exercise over the last few years is that it is not wise for a small country to try to take a leading role in international banking.”
You can see there that it was not only unsophisticated middle and lower-class homebuyers and owners who were suckered into this Global Ponzi Scheme, and now are at the mercy of the puppet masters. Even the French, who would gladly dine on their own principles before they would sit at the table of textbook Fascists are finding they too have their nuts in a vice, and will play right into hands of the oligarchs.
Berlusconi floats idea of suspending market: Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy said Friday that there had been discussions about suspending markets for a temporary period while the global financial crisis is sorted out.
“There is talk of suspending markets for the time needed to rewrite rules,” he told a news conference when asked what European Union leaders might discuss if they meet in Paris this Sunday.
He told reporters after the news conference that: “Someone brought up this hypothesis but there is nothing concrete.”
I bet it’s as good as done deal. Remember, these are today’s headlines, not the results of an exhaustive search to prove a feeble point. I am trying to let the point make itself.
U.S. Weighs Backing Bank Debt: The U.S. is weighing two dramatic steps to repair ailing financial markets: guaranteeing billions of dollars in bank debt and temporarily insuring all U.S. bank deposits.
If the two moves come to fruition they would mark the government’s most extensive intervention yet in the financial system, as officials ponder increasingly far-reaching measures to stem the sprawling crisis.
Well, if the USA and other major Governments are going to be on the hook for every banked currency in the world, you can be sure as hell they will shut down the markets in heartbeat with the threat of national insolvency as the impetus. Try to start thinking of this “crisis” as an organized course of events, each one successively building on the last. The trajectory and momentum are surprisingly clear.
Now, assuming I am just a loon who drank too much coffee and has an active imagination, wouldn’t any sane person be able to safely assume that the greatest economic and financial minds in the nation would be brought to bear on the what is arguably a greater threat to our National Security than Al-Queada. Iran, or North Korea.
That would seem like one of the safer bets one could make in these raucous markets, but the truth is that that is not the truth. The truth is that Goldman Sachs cronies, with very little experience and strong Republican loyalties, will be tapped to “fix” us good.
This defies all logic, rationality and common sense. Why would political loyalties and cronyism trump the need for the very best attempts to reconcile our financial system? Unless, of course, we do not need anyone to figure out a cure for what ails us and how to cure it - they already have their plan in place.
Come on, do Paulson and Bush really look like they are losing any sleep over this? It looks like business as usual.
Bailout role elevates U.S. official: But much of the political and financial world was surprised to learn this week that the man was Neel Kashkari, 35, a former Goldman Sachs investment banker whom Paulson has tapped to oversee the $700 billion bailout effort as interim assistant secretary for financial stability.
Kashkari, who has only six years of experience in finance and government, said he knew he seemed young to be shouldering so much responsibility for the world’s financial stability. But, he said, Paulson will oversee every step he takes.
“This project is Secretary Paulson’s highest priority,” Kashkari said in an interview on Wednesday. “He is all over it. Our team is just executing his strategy.”
“It’s amazing to me that a guy who is only six years out of business school has been given this kind of assignment, because it would be an enormous challenge for someone with 30 years of experience,” Samuel Hayes, an emeritus professor of finance at Harvard Business School, said.
More than 100 asset managers submitted bids to Kashkari on Wednesday, seeking to manage parts of the portfolio that the Treasury Department will eventually acquire, according to two industry representatives who have been in contact with Treasury officials. Goldman Sachs was among the bidders but it offered to provide its services free of charge. Kashkari declined to talk about the bids.
Kashkari, a Republican, said Paulson was encouraging. A few months later, when President George W. Bush asked Paulson to serve as Treasury secretary, Kashkari said he called him, reminded him of their conversation, and asked for a job.
Paulson soon put him in charge of an effort to have mortgage holders voluntarily change financing terms in order to prevent foreclosures. The program met with only mixed success, but a Treasury spokeswoman said that it was never intended to be a “silver bullet,” given the complexity of the overall problem.
This summer, Kashkari was promoted, winning Senate confirmation to be assistant secretary for international economics. Among other things, he has focused on working with American banks toward adoption of a less-risky system of mortgage-based bonds that is popular in Europe. And he moved to a larger office, with room for sofas and photos of his favorite ski slopes around Lake Tahoe.
As the crisis unfolded in recent months, Kashkari worked long hours alongside Paulson, helping to deal with the bailouts of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the American International Group in turn, while working in secret on what became the $700 billion rescue package - a project code-named Break the Glass because it was to be used only as a last-resort emergency measure.
Kashkari stood out in his family. While everyone else leaned liberal, his sister said, he gravitated toward free-market Republican views.
Gee, I hope he can pull it off too. This is like Private Ryan getting Patton’s job. Sprecken ze deutsch?
Of course you knew we could not get through this entire article without throwing in some conspiracy link, right. But honestly, after reading the day’s headlines, does the following excerpt sound as outrageous to you now as it might have a year ago?
The New World Order (NWO): “A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.
There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.”
If we can believe in the threat that the global “Communist Menace” and spend fifty years and trillions of dollars to combat it, is it so far-fetched to hypothesize that the uber-rich want to stay that way?
If we can believe that there currently is a “clash of civilizations” between the west and the Muslim world, and that entire philosophies of destruction being have emerged that feed only on their follower’s “hatred of our freedoms,” is it so outlandish to believe that the most powerful people alive desire to rule the World, just as all the powerful people have desired throughout history?
Is it really so hard to believe it is happening right now to us?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Governments want a One World Monetary System
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1 comment:
Dude, you need be knowing how this bail out is becoming international and the way the global conspiracy is getting one world governement through one world banking. What we gots to be doing is throw out anyone whoo visits the same foreign country more than once or who don't speak English at home.
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